Karisma by TAUMED is a well-known brand for collagen and exosome-based skin treatments. Formulated with biocompatible, plant-based, and biomimetic ingredients, Karisma offers anti-aging solutions to rebuild the skin tissue naturally. The two famous lines, Karisma Collagen RN and Karisma Exo Care, provide treatments to stimulate collagen production and maintain the results for a considerable period. Collagen RN has introduced new technology to the world of dermal fillers with its unique composition and mechanism of action. This patented technology involves extracting synthesized collagen from cocoons of transgenic silkworms. On the other hand, Karisma Exo Care has put forward a series of bioactive skincare products that leverage the benefits of exosomes - particles containing bioactive macromolecules.

Buy Karisma and discover what the new generation of skin injectables and skincare bring forward.

1 x 2 ml
86.00 € 86.0 EUR